Diamonds are made from coal under pressure, so is excellent character and a strong will created out of unfortunate experiences when the choice is made to learn and make new choices responsibly.

Who We Are

The Founder






Est. 1996


Master Mind | Dinner for Eight


Encouragement for Leaders 

In the secular, corporate world where huge companies are built, there is a vital resource commonly utilized called a MASTER-MIND GROUP.

In this group, business men and women from all industries and skills gather to fellowship and brain storm one another ideas.

If you are experiencing dryness and frustration in your leadership, you might want to consider this tactic!

Schedule a Home Cell group specific for the purpose of brain storming on the behalf of two of your leaders. All leaders are involved in this process! (And all leaders will WANT to be involved in this when they see the results!) It's important that you keep watch of your time, so that your leaders are not taken advantage of time wise.

Your group may look like this:

  • Meet at pastors house, have beverages and either provide notebooks and pencils, or have leaders bring their own. A recorder is an EXCELLENT idea!
  • Two of the leaders have been selected, and notified that they will be supported for this meeting. They come prepared with their 'sticky' or un-productive problem areas, or visions of where they would like to take their department.
  • Open your meeting with prayer and offer it and the results to the Lord.
  • Facilitator introduces the first person, and their department.
  • The Dept. Leader shares their idea or problem
  • The facilitator opens the floor or asks questions to clarify the project.
  • Leaders then brain storm as a Master Mind group to share their feedback, encouragement, solutions, resources, etc.
  • Facilitator's job is to keep conversations brief, productive, and understandable.  The facilitator will help wrap up the session by highlighting main points.
  • Next Dept. Head is introduced.

You will be amazed at your Children's, Nursery, Youth, Janitorial, Music, etc. leaders as they see their ideas validated, encouraged, praised, or problem areas pin-pointed.  

Your leaders will begin to gain momentum as they invest their ideas and energy into one another's visions - creating unity, excitement and support for every precious leader and their department - which will spill over into your congregation, where they too will take ownership!

(It's just a matter of putting yourself in their place - wouldn't you like to develop this type of group as a pastor? HEY! Now, why didn't I think of that? Imagine the impact this Master-Mind Group mentality could do for your city, as pastor validate and support one another?)


Dinner for Eight

Members of the congregation sign up to participate in this function.  "Dinner for Eight" consists of 4 couples or pairs. (singles, widows, etc.) One of these 4 couples will agree to be the host couple for one dinner. Each couple will have an opportunity to be the host couple once within the 4 month period that the program runs.  The host couple sets the date of the dinner and provides the main course and drinks.  The other 3 couples will be assigned a dish to bring, either a vegetable, a salad, or a dessert. Couples will then be rotated by a schedule so that the next month you will have dinner with 3 completely different couples.  This encourages fellowship in the homes and mixes the old, young, widowed, singles etc. together so they will get to know more about each others lives.


To submit an idea to this page, CLICK HERE or, write me.




Sarah's Tent (Est. 1997)
Living Stones Center
Broomfield, CO  80020-4801




©Copyright 1997-2009 Shannon Parish All rights reserved


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