Perplexing conversations are happening throughout all social media outlets colored by a strong sense of distrust and confusion.
Among the topics of politics, health care, social justice, and war is the intertwining topic of AI.
It is a conversation about deep fakes, false information, hackers, and world domination fed by stories, photos, and videos produced through Artificial Intelligence.
Negative and frightening information sells products, and political agendas, and drives social causes for good, or bad, twisting the moral fabric of our country and confusing minds; young and old alike.
What is missing in this conversation is how to spot the lies, on either side. How to investigate and discern what someone is listening to, seeing, or reading.
People want to be told what to believe. They ask, “Is this true?”, while arguing over what is and isn’t perceived to be true, without investigation or asking for facts.

The focus of judgment changes moment by moment. “Who is to blame?” “He or She is to blame!” “Is this real?” “Did this really happen?” “Why have I not seen that before?” “Amazing! I never knew that existed!” Are all comments I’ve read over various pictures, videos, articles and rumors that get posted to social media.
People ask one another what is real, never seeing those same people face to face, but believing what they see and hear because it’s been posted on a public forum.
What is not as often shared is how to tell the lies from the truth and what, where, or how to research to uncover the truth.
When I was in full-time ministry, the most often questions asked of me had to do with hearing God’s voice.
Our conversation would go something like this:
Me: “Have you prayed about this?” (typical Christian response, which is a good response, don’t get me wrong, but, it’s become a bit of a pat answer, don’t you think?)
Member: “Oh yes, I have prayed. But …” (here it comes) “I’m not sure whose voice I’m hearing. Is it my parent? My spouse? My teacher? Pastor? You? The devil?” “Who do I believe?” “How do I know which voice to follow?”
Why is this even being asked if we are doing what we are commissioned to do?
John 10 speaks about the relationship of the Shepherd and the sheep. (I don’t read this in the same way that I use to, because I’ve met a disturbing number of so-called Christian leaders who have deceived innocent people out of their own unresolved issues)
Artificial Intelligence is holding up a mirror to our choice of beliefs and the motives behind those beliefs. To think that AI is the problem, rather than how it is used, is to fall prey to lies that have permeated mankind since the beginning of time. There is nothing new under the sun.

Whether it is a doctrine that is passed down in a church or a belief system within a family, the information is as suspect as anything that might be generated by artificial intelligence. All are creations that come from the mind of men.
If we do not know the difference between truth and falsehood, it would do us good to question what we are comparing the information with. Is it a long-standing belief that has eventually been believed as truth?
Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
Notice the difference in the energy between the three sources of information I’ve mentioned in this post. Artificial Intelligence is not only one of these voices but an excellent metaphor to recognize and expose the innumerable lies we easily believe and pass along as truths.
Artificial Intelligence is cold and incapable of empathy, compassion, or intuition. Man’s intelligence is plagued with narcissistic tendencies which are the counterfeit of God. (After all, we were made in His image – but we are not God.)
God’s voice and wisdom … HIS truth … empowers, provides, strengthens, leads, and sets free.
The question we are faced with is “Is this true?” If we do not know the difference between truth, or lies, then we’ve wandered from the source of truth. If the fruits of the Spirit are not evident in our lives, then we can rest assured, we’re off course.
If we find ourselves having vain conversations about who is right, and who is wrong … that too is a sign that we are off course and ego has arisen as more important. It is for God to judge what is right and what is wrong. It is for us to discern truth (two very different things).
Each of us is responsible for what we believe, what we research, and how we show up in this world. As leaders, teachers, and mentors, the greatest lessons we can teach those in our charge, is to have a love for learning and to research and prove what is true. (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Each of us bears the responsibility for their beliefs. Support those who have doubts by guiding them with thoughtful questions to navigate their thoughts. Encourage them to recognize and validate truths independently. Refrain from simply providing your own beliefs as answers, and if you catch yourself doing so, take a moment to question your actions and then investigate the information you’ve shared.