Diamonds are made from coal under pressure, so is excellent character and a strong will created out of unfortunate experiences when the choice is made to learn and make new choices responsibly.




Who We Are

The Founder






Est. 1996


Meet Shannon Parish

A native of Colorado, Shannon has a deep love for the beauty of God's creation, His Majesty and His people.

As a minister, she understands the joys and the strains that 24/7 ministry can introduce into a marriage and family, and how it can impact your health (and sanity).  Not having the tools and resources necessary to provide your best has often caused needless confusion and brought down too many ministries.

As a cartoonist and illustrator, she has the ability to paint not only with her pen, but with her words and enjoys doing so through her cartoons, illustrations and public speaking.

As an encourager, Shannon has devoted her life to supporting, mentoring and assisting people with their dreams, goals and personal lives.  It is this deep passion to help people that brought her into full time ministry.

After spending over 20 years in full time church ministry, Shannon embarked on a journey to locate resources that would assist individuals with the the skills and tools they needed to become well balanced individuals, as well as have access to the tools and mentors needed to "Get the job done" and truly make a difference in their world and their community (not to mention their family!)

As an entrepreneur, writer and networker, she now has access to tools and resources that she only dreamed of when pastoring in her local church setting. . . and she wants to share them with you!

Here's to ... Illustrating your Potential
"Its Never Too Late!"

Illustrating You - your ideas - your potential - your expertise,  is one of the fun things I can do with my artwork and cartoons.





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More about
Completed People

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Sarah's Tent (Est. 1997)
Living Stones Center
Broomfield, CO  80020-4801




©Copyright 1997-2009 Shannon Parish All rights reserved


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