What Sacred Cow are You Entertaining Today?

Cartoon by Shannon Parish, depicting an arrogant cow with a halo above its head.

Pay close attention to comments heard so often that they are no longer heard, questioned, or clarified.


These comments, beliefs, phrases, or, “Sacred Cows” can subtly lead someone astray.

If not questioned, a Sacred Cow phrase can undermine peace of mind, health, joy, and faith without realizing it. Because the unquestioned statement sounds pious, a Believer may accept it as truth and become lulled into believing they are ‘right’ and righteous. This is actually a place of judgment, not righteousness.


“IF THIS IS NOT GOD’S WILL, I AM PRAYING THAT HE WILL SHUT THIS DOWN” – Sounds humble, doesn’t it? But the assumption is that the individual is actually going to know everything they need to know to “make this happen” and if they do by any stretch of the imagination, then they will declare this was God’s will. 

For the sake of extreme comparison’s … what if “this thing that i’m Doing” is a prayer of a serial killer who knows how to kill and get away with it because he’s never been caught – is that a confirmation of God’s will?
“THIS IS GOD’ S WILL, HE IS TEACHING YOU/ME SOMETHING I NEEDED TO LEARN” – This is usually stated during a trial or a horrific event, challenge or, death of a loved one. This belief may come from a misunderstanding of the following verse:

James 1:2-3 (NV): 

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

A Jersey cow is pictured pushing its face between barbed wire.
Sacred cows prevent insight or freedom and instead imprison us with false beliefs left unquestioned.
Navigating hardships and trials teaches us lessons that didn’t exist before that experience. 
There is nothing in this verse that implies that we have an abusive Heavenly Father who plots inflictions upon us to teach us anything.
In fact … He sees ahead and provides us with what we need to navigate hard times. For this reason, we count it all joy.
Or ..
A woman I had known once said something that startled me. She ignored what she believed as she was saying it, because it felt perfectly logical. Like me, she had experienced a church culture where “the enemy is attacking me” was a common phrase to explain away any hardship. (NOTE: This is more desirable to say than, “This is a harvest of something that was sown.”)
She said that she had to be very careful not to pray too much or be TOO holy because she didn’t want to get in a car accident. (true story) I asked her to repeat that because I wasn’t sure that I heard what I had heard. She repeated it and then explained. “When we pray too much, the enemy attacks us and I don’t want to get into a car accident because he attacked me.” 
How could she have possibly concluded that this was the cause of car accidents if she hadn’t been taught to a high degree that hardships were actually attacks from the enemy? (And blessings, of course, are a result of being a good Christian.)
Wouldn’t it be more effective to pray that God guides your steps and keeps your heart pure?
Psalms 37:23-24 King James Version (KJV)The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: And he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: For the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.

What Sacred Cows Have You Heard?

I hope you will start noticing more deeply how certain belief systems are stated in these unquestioned phrases that we’ve become so familiar with. The examples I’ve mentioned barely scratch the surface. 

Just noticing emotional responses to the things we say will give us clues that need to be followed. Ever wonder why something felt “flat” when you prayed it? If you’re like me, the default thought might have been, “Lord increase my faith.” rather than, “Lord show me what I’m not understanding or what I’m missing.” 

We learn by sharing our stories and our knowledge. Please share yours …


A "sacred cow" belief

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