Metaphors are illustrations of God’s lessons. Recently, a friend sent me a brief video of an artist carving an image from a river rock that could fit in the palm of your hand. Not only did this video resonate with my own experiences along life’s journey, but it illustrated many others I know who are Read More
Tag: Choices
What Does It Mean to Have “Ordered Footsteps?”
This question was asked of me recently, “If I plan my own future, isn’t that planning with my own will? If God is ordering my footsteps, shouldn’t I wait for HIM to tell me what to do?” The beauty of such a question is the humble heart in which this question was asked. This person Read More
To Judge or Not to Judge?
Guest Blogger, Laura Smith A righteous judge always considers all the evidence and statements from eyewitnesses before coming to a verdict. A skilled judge perceives the heart of the matter and discerns whether a person is lying or being honest. He has been in the business long enough and has seen enough people come through Read More