
How to Forgive When Forgiving Once – Just Doesn’t Cut It

Forgiveness is layered. The events that occur to cause bitterness are rarely one time events. Even if they are, they still take time to un layer them because of all the meanings that are instantly applied to the wretched event. Why do you think that Jesus said we should forgive 7×70 (Matthew 18:22)?  Because it’s Read More

How To Be Relevant in Your Communications

It seems obvious enough, but somehow, this issue of relevant and effective communication gets lost when it comes to communicating spiritual matters. When you are in a computer store, shopping for a new computer, your salesperson will assess where you are in your knowledge of electronics and speak to you accordingly so that you can Read More

Are You Relevant? To Whom?

As I shared some thoughts with a friend through a series of emails, this moment stuck out to me the most in our discussions about how to communicate and make a difference with those who we love and care about. The following rose up in my spirit and I’d like to share it with you Read More

How to Uncover Your Purpose and Passion

There is a questionnaire that I have posted on the old Sarah’s Tent website that people still find from time to time. The answers that many people write tell me immediately what kind of person they are, what means the most to them and what they are good yet. Yet amazingly … many will end Read More

On Hold, Stuck or Numb? How To Break Free and Live Again

It’s not just the pastor’s wife that gets lost in her world and wonders from time to time what her dream use to be.  In fact, just remembering your name can be a feat on certain days! Before you can teach anyone else something, you must have first walked that path and teach from experience. Read More

Self Limiting Beliefs

Blockages are the result of self-limiting beliefs. Every time you begin to notice that you “aren’t getting anywhere” or notice that you are constantly getting the same results, it’s time to uncover your self-limiting beliefs. Many of the thoughts and emotions that we entertain on a daily basis are actually habitual. The payoff for remaining Read More

Love Letters

Moving a household can be challenging with just making decisions over physical things, never mind what you deal with emotionally. However, it’s a wonderful opportunity to notice what you keep, what you find worthy of storage and what you are hauling around that is useless. What we manifest in our lives and in the world Read More