
Where is the Love?

Unconditional love can be confusing at best. In our modern world, “unconditional” means that there are no consequences to our actions. Stating that love should be “unconditional” sets up a mighty resistance in the person who is told that they must love ‘unconditionally’, the abusive and selfish actions of their spouse (for instance.) If that Read More

Perfect Peace is a Choice

Every one of us has, or is, or will face a challenge so great, we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to maintain our “sanity” riding out the storm. Whether it is a financial situation, a relationship, health or some other sudden or growing crisis, our peace hangs in the balance. Truly, our relationship with Read More

More Than Coffee

“Would you like a Carmel Highrise?” Carol asks as she moves towards the counter the moment we walk through the door of our favorite coffee shop.  Who ever asks first is saying, “I love you and want to buy you coffee this morning.” Carol is always thoughtful and extremely patient. The energy she brings with Read More

Un-conditional Love – Oh Really?

“Sweetheart,” the young mother said, as she leaned over her teenage daughter sitting on the couch pouting. “Don’t you understand that God and I love you UN-conditionally?” “If that’s the case then you’d let me do what I want to do and it would be okay, right? the daughter replied. “Well, that’s not what I Read More

Too Fast and Furious Too

Hey! Here’s a good one … After inquiring about a ministry project that a fellow minister was working on, I received a stream of excuses about why they had not progressed since the last time I’d asked. First it was that the devil was beating them up. (Amazingly, this had been occuring every three months, Read More